Human-Environment Interactions Research Group (HEI)
We study interactions between humans and their environment on a variety of temporal and spatial scales from Plio-Pleistocene hominins to modern humans. Much of this research is focused on soils or paleosols (fossil soils), but we study a variety of terrestrial environments including lakes, springs, and rivers. We are focused on using stable isotopes and geochemistry to answer questions about past climates or environments with a firm foundation in sedimentary geology. Study areas range from East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, and Ethiopia) to Armenia to Panama.
For more information on how to join our research group see the additional information for prospective students.
Lab Members:
Emily J. Beverly
Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Houston
Contact: ejbeverly[at]
Emily earned her B.A. from Trinity University, M.S. from Rutgers University, and Ph.D. from Baylor University. You can learn more about her research interests here and read about them on Google Scholar or Researchgate.
Lisabeth (Nicky) arellano
Nicky collecting water samples on her most recent trip to Panama.
Ph.D. Candidate
contact: lnarella[at]
Nicky is a first year doctoral student in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Houston. Her research involves using stable isotopes, including 17O-excess and the triple oxygen isotope system, as hydrological tracers to study processes such as precipitation formation in Central America, where livelihoods are dependent on seasonal precipitation but are being disrupted by changes in climate. She is interested in understanding how different climatic factors influence the spatial and temporal variability of stable isotopes in meteoric waters across the region, as well as in how these isotope data can be incorporated into climate modeling efforts to inform national decision-making and water resources management.
Prior to joining the HEI lab, Nicky received her MS in water resources science and certificate in water conflict management from Oregon State University through the Peace Corps Masters International program. While serving as a water, sanitation, and hygiene engineer in rural Panama, she gained a love for mountain hikes, ukulele, and hammock naps with her dog, Peligrosa (Spanish for “dangerous”). Nicky received her BS in geology from Baylor University.
Madison Rafter
Ph.D. Student
Contact: mmrafter[at]
Madison is a first year PhD student in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. She attended CSUN for her undergraduate degree in Geology and her research focused on developing a paleosol paleoclimate proxy using seasonal climate conditions. Her work at the University of Houston will focus on reconstructing paleoclimate in the Baringo Basin of East Africa.
Andrew Flynn
Postdoctoral Fellow | Google scholar profile | CV
contact: agflynn[at]
Andrew’s research interests include: paleoclimate, paleoecology, paleobotany, sedimentology, stratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy. He is currently working on a new project on the Paleocene-Eocene in the San Juan Basin.
Kevin in Gona, Ethiopia where he worked for his masters project.
Kevin Takashita-Bynum
Ph.D. Student
Kevin Takashita-Bynum’s academic interests lie within the intersection of geology and paleoanthropology. He currently applies paleopedology, micromorphology, and geochemistry-based approaches to examine past East African environments in areas with known hominin activity. As he works toward completing his Ph.D., Kevin wishes to further enhance our understanding of East African paleoenvironments by developing novel proxies through statistical modeling of soil geochemistry.
Outside of academia, Kevin enjoys baking, embroidering geologic maps, and tweaking his computer to find new prime numbers. He holds an M.Sc. in Earth and Environmental Sciences from Murray State University and a B.Sc. in Geology from Appalachian State University.
Undergraduate Researchers:
Carly McCarthy
Emily Stivinson
Samantha Baker, Undergraduate Researcher 2021-2023, currently a M.S. student at University of Houston
Anne Billingsley - Postdoctoral Fellow 2019-2020, currently at TuSimple
Brittany Garza - Undergraduate Researcher 2020
Laura Taylor - Undergraduate Researcher 2019-2020, currently a graduate student at MIT-WHOI